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Hey there, lovely soul!

I’m Moon or holymooncake. Welcome to Moon’s Art! This cozy little corner of the internet is where I’m chronicling my journey to become a con-artist. No, no, not the shady kind โ€“ I’m talking about the kind that crafts art with heart!

so, whatโ€™s brewing in this blog of mine? Well, itโ€™s a flavorful concoction of insights, a guide of sorts as I navigate the path to becoming the artist I’ve always imagined. Picture a mix of being a full-time artist, a small business owner, and even a self-made marketing whiz, all rolled into one exciting adventure. It’s about making the most out of life’s canvas and soaking in every drop of experience.

As you wander through this creative nook, you’ll uncover my struggles, the lessons I’m gathering, and a heaping helping of art and design-related goodies. There’ll be handy tips, engaging learning guides, candid reviews of products, and plenty of feel-good content designed to spark your inspiration and brighten your day.

Ever had a room that’s an organized chaos? Somehow, you still know where everything is. Well, that’s how I’ve treated my private Discord channels โ€“ they’ve been my vault for squirreling away creative thoughts, research, and ideas for way too long. But you know what? I’m declaring enough is enough! I’m using this platform to (1) whip my life and goals into organized shape, (2) supercharge my productivity and stay focused, and (3) sprinkle a little happiness your way.

I love learning and being curious. Right now, my creative fire is all about becoming a con-artist โ€“ the good kind, mind you! I want to craft pieces that light up people’s lives. And the icing on the cake? I hope to connect with amazing souls and artists worldwide, trading inspiration, gaining fresh perspectives, and lifting each other up with positive vibes.

So, if you’re still here, a big shoutout to you! You’ve made my day better! And if interested in being a part of my journey, I’d love for you to join me by following me and connecting with me. Remember, you deserve all the love, care, and wonderful things life has to offer.

With warmth, Moon